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As requested…

by on July 24, 2008

We’ll try again with mommy.  He tends to walk better when mommy’s around.

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  1. cookycrunch permalink

    He’s got quite a swagger in his walk!

  2. Hannah permalink

    hahahahahaha.. i love the repeat shots where emmett just suddenly reappears! lol

  3. kinda frankensteinish … but a very cute frankensteinish

  4. Auntie Scarey permalink

    very cute — I love it! Try propping him up with the wall on his back like we use to do with you and your cousins…that way he doesn’t have to balance first before he starts walking! more videos please!!!

  5. Clee permalink

    HAHAHAHAHA. awesome, it’s so cute.

  6. yay way to go Emmett!!

  7. Marcia permalink

    He is so awesome! I hope you guys are doing well!

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